i only say that when they *are* too young. if an eleven year old asked advice about a boy they have a crush on, i would say ';thats sweet, try talking to him in class.'; but if an eleven year old asked ';i want sex so bad but my friend said you have to do cartwheels afterwards so you don't get pregnant, is that true?'; i would tell her she is too young to have sex.Why are the dating advide people here such prudes whenever some kid wants dating advice?
Because we all remember what it's like to be 14 with hormones going nuts. Its easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and make a stupid decision. Also, these kids are just that - kids. Yes they need advice and they come here for it because their parents are saying their too young. However, they're more likely to listen to another adult say it - someone who isn't their parent.
It's scary when you view the statistics and see how many young kids are having babies of their own or how many of them are walking around with STD's. Maybe we're trying to help their parents protect them from all that.
if i see a 14 year old with a ';does he like me '; question, i do encourage her to go for it.
the problem is most of them are getting too close to sex, and no realizing it, that they are too young for.
you are right, there are adults who say you shouldnt date until after college or high school. that is crazy.
people tend to think about things differently as they get older, perhaps. its all a matter of seeing the word ';date'; and instead of picturing a cute couple of kids holding hands and sharing their snacks at school, they envision things far beyond an 11 year olds perspective of the word.... such as super short miniskirts and fondling of body parts (sometimes beyond that even...). and my opinion on it is, i believe the parents are the only ones who have a right to set limits to a child.... strangers on a website may have their own opinions, but unless they actually know know the kid, they have no right saying they're too young for this or that.... a parent isnt going to let an 11 year old have sex with another one... or at least i'd hope not, i'd hope they know whats going on and have reasonable sights on whats right %26amp; wrong for their own child. just wanted to voice my opinion......
i think people insisit on saying things like that because although some kids are innocently dating and having fun, there are young kids that are in fact doing much more, young girls are already getting pregnant, or doing drugs, but dont take my word for it, look at local hospitals you'll see young girls with lots of problems and the boys aren't old enough to know how to deal with the responsiblity either, so why encourage it? going to the movies and having sex are very different
Because they were not dating at that age and the feel its too young. Everyone has a right to voice their opinions.
b/c kids today, are a lot diffrent than what it used to be. You see crazy things like 8 year olds getting pregnant, and stuff like that.
peole think they are hardcore and kool when they do that over the internet when they are just jerks and then they go brag to their friends(if they have any)how they started making fun of someone over the internet
come on...11 years old and dating? i was still playing with barbies when i was 11. Its people like that, that get pregnant at an early age, or get disease...worse, get rapped or something like that. 11-14 year olds are too naive to date. end of story.
Because almost half of the girls before they graduate high school either had a baby or they are pregnant and it is to young to take on the responsibility of raising a child alone.
children do not take seriously the boundaries and adults should.
The teacher said, ';The greatest career goals my female students have is getting through high school without getting pregnant.';
They are sexually active at 11 and the parents in fear won't let them take sex education classes or use a preventive.
Like that stops them from having sex?
And why? because your a 16 year old horney boy who wants sex with them?
I dunno. I agree with you. I mean I had my first boyfriend when I was only 10 or 11. I think sex is different when young kids are asking about that, but as far as asking a girl out or something I try to help - when I want.
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