We have been together for 2 1/2 years. He is 300 lbs and 6'1';. I am a former model. He has been overweight from the beginning and I will admit, I have done the thing they say one should never do: I thought (and still hope) I can change him. I used to be very overweight as a kid and I lost all that weight by working out and changing my diet. I know what it's like to be sensitive about weight. When I talk about the matter with him, (or anything else remotely serious), he just gets all depressed and shuts down. He says I am such a downer. I could understand that if I was saying ';you are wayyy fat, lose weight or I can't bear the thought of having sex with you'; - But that's not what I say. I say we BOTH need to be more health conscious (even me b/c although I look great on the outside, I have a body fat % that is too high). I tried to suggest a program where we would work out together and help encourage one another and that way we would be more successful. I have not said the flat out truth above, instead I leave out the sex part all together and sugar coat the need to lose weight part. I want to convey that this is really important for both of us but he just doesn't take it serious at all. It is driving me crazy. It's the same about the ';it would be a great idea to quit smoking'; conversation. (I know, but I still hope he can change). (I don't push the weight and smoking issues at the same time ever, too overwhelming). He admits that he needs to lose weight but just acts like he doesn't care. I feel like his lifestyle is affecting me as I have become much more of a couch potato since we met and now live together. I really do love him, he is a wonderful person and I know he loves me. This issue has been a HUGE frustration for the last year. What can I do to get him excited and on-board to lose weight and take better care of himself? Although he looks the same as he did when we first started dating, I am afraid that I am starting to be unattracted to him. (His ';boobs'; are larger than my Ds). (NO, I have never and would never tell him that). I don't want this sentiment to continue, I want to just love him for who he is but I can't help but caring about his looks and his health. What can I do to help him lose weight? Do you think he will ever be ready to make a serious effort? He is not a total slob - he was a high school wrestling coach and is very strong and does a lot of physical work so he's not entirely unfamiliar with the idea of sweat. What can I do to keep his apathetic attitude and looks from ruining sex life? How can I motivate him effectively to lose weight? I don't want to hurt his feelings but he needs to know that a +50% body fat percentage is terribly unhealthy and a serious condition for a 26 year old. Please help us - tell me what I can do to help him b/c my current method of ';we both need to be more healthy'; isn't working. I am starting to feel like maybe I should give up. OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE %26amp; SIG OTHERS-I NEED YOUR ADVICE! - BF NEEDS TO LOSE WEIGHT BUT WON'T MAKE SERIOUS EFFORT?
Nagging him about it won't work threatening won't work either
Here is what might work if you live together buy healthy food
If you don't live together when you go out to eat don't pick at him encourage him to eat healthy Rome was not built in a day and changing him will take time
Get him to take long walks with you everyday each day going just a bit longer. Than suggest bike riding start off slow like with walking and every day increase. If you love him don't leave him if your that concerned never never never with hold sex from the both of you adapt. To many woman become shallow and worry more about what there man looks like instead of helping him in the loving and caring way that needs be done for you succeed in changing his bad habits Good Luck and remember lots of patients OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE %26amp; SIG OTHERS-I NEED YOUR ADVICE! - BF NEEDS TO LOSE WEIGHT BUT WON'T MAKE SERIOUS EFFORT?
I have to agree with Sandy. If you really love this guy you wouldnt care if he is fat or not. I understand you wanting him to be healthy but just the fact that you notice his (large boobs) or what ever is totally wrong. God I dont even understand the concept of that thought my fiance is so perfect to me in every way if he gained 200 pounds overnight I would still feel the exact way I do right now about him. My advice to you would be take a step back and look at him for who he is on the inside not on the outside love him for who he is not who you want him to be. And if you still cant get over the fact the he is not as perfect as you want him to be and you cant bring your self to make love to him than break up with him. Let him find someone that will treat him right and not push him into loosing weight when he doesnt want to. And just so you know there are plenty of ';perfect'; men out there just like you. I have dated of few of them and in the real world we call them JERKS good luck with that.
WOW...don't marry him.. he deserves better ...love...LOVES.. all things...including physical looks..know ..after 2 yrs. U R concerned about his body fat? I think your self centered and young minded...how about U step out on friday in your X-model body...someone hits U..or robs U or U find....your unable to care for yourself...laded up can't eat,wipe,wash anything for your X-model self...then what!!! Should he leave U..b/c U can't have sex or U look like a pig when he looks at U. I'm not trying to be mean but life and love don't come a dime a dozen ...if i were U i would cook better foods..go for walks..ask him along...try to see the brighter ..best side of your man. As we grow older..our bodies may change but your HEART..should remain the same...if U love him. p.s. i've had my man 31 yrs.....and guess what we don't look 19 anymore. LOVE LAST....bodies grow old and change yours will too!!!! ... MIRACLES %26amp; BLESSINGS
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