Speak to your guidance counselor, figure out where you want to go that might have programs like then, then speak to the advisors at the college to figure out a plan. you don't have to declare a major right away, you may want to take some different classes as electives first before you decide concretely what you want to study.Im going to college and i need advice on what to study. People often say ';my head is in the clouds though';
first talk to your guidance counselor. then look into an acting school. i know there is a famous one in new york city. many of todays actors went their. to prepare yourself, i would simply just believe in yourself and first find some role models who you can sort of identify with. then as you grow you become your own person. don't be like lindsay lohan or paris hilton or brittney spears. be yourself.
Well during the first two years of college everyone is undeclared and are fulfilling their general requirements so you have time to think about it. When you go to college you should apply as a reporter for the local tv college station, every school has one. And intern as early as possible for a network or something. The longer you are there the more experience you will get and the more likely you will be considered for a tv spot. A lot of people start out as production assistants or producers, look into that.
In terms of major, theatre, telecommunications, communication major is a good one, journalism or english lit.
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