Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why do people in Yahoo Answers give such bad dating advice?

I have a question: Why do you care?Why do people in Yahoo Answers give such bad dating advice?
Because most of the people here have no real social skills.Why do people in Yahoo Answers give such bad dating advice?
Because a lot of people seem to base it all on here-say or present feelings rather than personal experience.

Oh, and SUYA... what you said wouldn't be logical. It would, in fact, be unrealistic because from my 'personal experience', I have asked a few good questions and have seen people ask a few good questions but those 'good questions' get some pretty 'bad answers'. There is no formula to that. It is not logical.
maby b/c people dont care about the answers and they just want the 2 free points.

either that or everyone on hear is bad at dating
what i base my dating life upon the answers i get ,, you mean it doesnt work aaaarrrggghhhh love is so complicated
if someone asks normal people not profissionals then he or she shoul expect such answeres
Why do people take dating advice from complete strangers and expect it to be good advice? You take a chance when you do that. It may be good, it may be bad. You can't expect everyone to be right
Because we all have such deplorable relationship experience.
because people ask bad questions that aren't worth a good answer... if you want good answers ask good questions. (seems logical right?)
Because we are all trying to ruin the world. Duh.
because people in Y!A

doesn't have almost any experience

in dating so they don't know

how to answer!

(they are all day on computer)
Because we are bored at work and have nothing else to do.
because every moron on here is in ';love'; and is usually around 13-15 y/o. and people like you put stupid questions up....he blushed does he like in love with my online girlfriend...etc, etc....
Why ask if you think that you know better ?
I think some people are young and don't know any better. I find the over whelming majority will advise for people to break up as soon as there is some problem instead of advising how to compromise and work through the problem.
because most people dont no wat they r talking about
It could be a number of things.

- May not know or understand the entire scenario

- We're not involved and so we might not care as much

- May just give any ol' advice just for the sake of giving advice

- Sometimes we'll say something crass or harsh cause we think it's funny but it's really not.

Just my two cents.
What ever...
Maybe bad to you but good to them

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