Sunday, December 27, 2009

Older wiser people i need your advice! ?

im 16. and i have 2 things i want to do in life. I have BIG dreams, and im by no means lazy! Heres my problem. Im in a stall right now because i do not know which one i want to go for. One involves intense studying, while the other involves being really creative, being in top physical condition, and i dont see how i could do both. i feel if i work at both then i will never reach my goal in either. I have been waiting for something to sway me to either one, something to make it clear to me which one i should chose to follow, but nothings happened! im in a rut!

has anyone experianced this before? what do you do. I want to get started one pursuing one but i dont know which career. ThankyouOlder wiser people i need your advice! ? creative and physically fit...enjoy...Older wiser people i need your advice! ?
okay, since 99 percent of the people in your life will tell you to study, be sensible, practical, etc, etc, I'll be that 1 percent.

Do something daring. Remember that the greatest motivation is survival, even greater than sex. If you're broke and have no money, it'll make you work that much harder. It might not be very pleasant, but it will be a character building experience
The longer you live the more often you are put in this position. If age, or finances could present as a problem - use that as the reason not to do one of the projects for now. And jump in full force into the other project - after you conquer it then you will know if you should even try the other project. Good luck!

Older does no necessarily mean wiser. I am old now, but when I was your age I had the same problem. I did not know what I wanted to do in life. After I finished high school I saw an advertisement in the paper about Australia needing migrants and I thought, why not? Well here I am and loving it.
Is it possible to do one and then the other? Since the one that requires physical excellence will favor youth, can you pursue that goal first and return to your studies later?
Dont let the idea of the future stop you from what you really want. Deep down you know which one you would do if you let go of the limitations in your mind. Pick that one, and you can acually live.
Do the one that you think is most achievable for you at the time first. Then the opportunity may present itself for you to perform the other task.
Close your eyes and follow your heart. In time you'll find room for both I'm shure. But it's important for you to follow the heart...not the gold.
do neither try a complete new way fro six months.
I have the same problem, I could either be a starving musician or maybe a famous rich one or I could get a degree and/or masters and get a safe secure job with a reasonable income. I have decided to keep music as a hobby and a passion, something that i can always enjoy by myself and with other musician freinds and get an education so that i can support myself and a family in the future. but i still secretly hope i will be a good enough musician to quit my job and travel around the world playing music. I dont know if that helps but id say go for the financially secure route.

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