Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why do some people give the worst advice about getting action with the opposite sex?

Some of these idiot losers actually say say you can't try too hard, it'll happen when it'll happen, don't try to catch a butterfly(what do you think a butterfly net is for, idiot whoever said that?), you can't hurry love you just to wait, fools rush in, the best things come to those who wait, you just have to let it happen.

THose are the worst pieces of sh#t advice I've ever heard in my life about getting that mate of the opposite sex!

What those idiots don't tell you is the truth, and the truth is is that you have to come on strong, you have to be pushy, you have to go for it, you have to force yourself upon them because if you wait and nothing happens, then you need to change and be more aggresive, simple as that.

So why do those losers give such poor advice then?Why do some people give the worst advice about getting action with the opposite sex?
Calm down, grab a ice cold drink, you know you can't catch a butterfly.Why do some people give the worst advice about getting action with the opposite sex?
You actually have to walk a fine line in between passive and aggressive.You can't do nothing, because nothing will happen then, but you can't be too pushy, either. That will more than likely push them away.

Listen to Hold On Loosely by .38 Special.
The so called ';Losers'; happen to be right. Heed their advice.
your looking at the wrong place for advice...

talk to people that know you best
You sound very dominating. I guess you know best though, since you are so old and all.
You see this is what makes the world a beautiful place, our differences and the ability to make our own minds up

There are many that would say you are the loser idiot for thinking you know it all at 29 because age does not a wise person make

Good luck with your anger management classes
no offesnse dude, but that forcing stuff makes you sound like a rapist. if you're just in it for the sex, than yeah, that's bad advice, but if you're looking for love tis good advice.
well that's how u feel and how u want to be, but not everyone is like you, i have been aggressive and up front with women and got turned down because of it, everyone is different and wants different things
no idea, i usually suggest getting ice cream and walking on the beach at night
Being too aggressive like that doesn't always work either! It blew up in my face a few times.
cause they wanna seem all ';good advicey'; even though their really not..its just corny.i think.

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