One of my husbands uncles immigrated to America (mom, dad, and 3 kids) this uncle does not wanna work...and he is expecting everyone else to take care of him and his family (pay bills/grocery/buy him a car/get him furniture/etc..) My husband has 2 other well-settled uncles here who don't wanna take responsibility..My husband and I just got married, and are full time students, and have over $100,000 in student loans..and these 2 uncles who own million dollar houses are expecting us to take care of this lazy uncle (who is their brother btw) we tried to get him a job at a grocery store, but he refused saying ';I didn't come all this way to work at a grocery store';..he doesn't even speak english for gods sake.. we don't know what to do.. we can't just back off cuz' he is family..and can't take care of a family of 5..we hardly make ends meet..please i need suggestions because i can't see my husband stressed out like kills me to see him running around for 16 hours a day..and doesn't get any appreciation from anyone..what should i do? What would you do with such people? I really need some advice?
You may ask his brother's for resources or advice on how to handle the situation since they know him better than you and your husband.
If this fails, you may need to employ ';tough love'; by giving your uncle and/or wife a date to get a job, AND a reasonable time frame to move out.
It speaks volumes that his brother's don't want to be bothered and have turned their backs on him. I know it's heartbreaking and cold, but sometimes you have to push the bird out of the nest so it can fly on its own...
What would you do with such people? I really need some advice?
He is an adult, he CHOSE to come here, he is responsible for his own keep. Tell him to get a job and work, coming to the U.S. doesn't mean he gets a free ride.
eye shadow
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